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Launch and grow your church or ministry in your local community in less than a year.

Learn how to launch or revitalize your church or ministry & be multiplying every 6 weeks!


Launch and grow your church or ministry in your local community in less than a year?

Learn how to launch or revitalize your church or ministry & be multiplying every 6 weeks

Our new book "Revitalize to Plant" is out now!

Available wherever books are sold.

Want to do what God is calling you to do in your church or ministry?

Dr. Jeffery Skinner


Hi, I'm Dr. Jeffery D. Skinner, founder of Missional Leadership Coaching. After several years of church planting and coaching others, my biggest advice is, stop doing things on your own.

Whether you are at the beginning of your journey or an established Christian leader, no one is immune to experiencing the challenges of transitioning into new seasons of ministry.

Whether you are a normative size church or a larger ministry, breakthrough is going to look different for every one. Not all ministries are created the same, which is why we need to obey God’s call for our context and move to the next stage of His mission, for our sake and those He has called us to serve. I’m called to help and support you as you do this.

Ready to answer God's call for your next season of ministry, and start multiplying?

If so, you’re in the right place! This training will help guide you on the path you need to take. I've planted churches and helped other Christian leaders over the past decade launch and grow their ministries, and I want to show you exactly how I do it.

I’ve created a FREE workshop where I teach you the exact 4-step process for launching and growing a church or ministry with a multiplication mentality in your local community. I use a repeatable model you can consistently use to grow, revitalize or re-launch–even if your church or ministry is already established, or perhaps you have a small or non-existent team, or even a super busy schedule!

In this FREE workshop, you’ll learn how to:

  • Plant a healthy church or reshape your established church to have a multiplication mentality

  • Establish a viable disciple making movement in your local community

  • Create a plan to give your church a fresh start or launch a new healthy church, along with a timeline and a plan to do it

  • Embrace the resurrection process for your church with keys on how to thrive instead of just survive

  • Establish missional markers for your journey and set expectations with a contextualized vision and mission to recruit your core team

  • And much more!

All you need is the right plan of action with sound strategy, so you can begin to launch, grow or re-launch your church or ministry in your local community and begin multiplying in less than a year!

...forgetting those things which are behind us, and reaching ahead...